cn前12 bd

sn chapterName chapterName remark
0 Additional praise for iWoz 目录
1 Our Gang: The Electronics Kids 我们这帮电子小孩
2 The Logic Game 逻辑游戏
3 Learning by Accident 偶然学习
4 The "Ethical" TV Jammer “道德”的电视干扰机
5 Cream Soda Days 奶油苏打水的日子
6 Phreaking for Real 电话飞客
7 Escapades with Steve 与乔布斯一起疯狂
8 HP and Moonlighting as a Crazy Polack 白天惠普上班,夜晚疯狂兼差
9 Wild Projects 疯狂的计划
10 My Big Idea 我的大主意
11 The Apple I Apple I
12 Our Very Own Company 我们自己的公司
13 The Apple II Apple II
14 The Biggest IPO Since Ford 自福特上市以来最大的IPO
15 The Woz Plan 沃兹计划
16 Crash Landing 撞机事故
17 Have I Mentioned I Have the Voice of an Angel? 我提到过我的金嗓子吗?
18 Leaving Apple,Moving to Cloud Nine 离开苹果,创建Cloud 9
19 The Mad Hatter 疯帽子
20 Rules to Live By 一些原则
21 Glossary 21
22 Acknowledgments 22
23 Pictures 23