Polymorphism (implemented in C++
functions) is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming
language, after data abstraction and inheritance.
It provides another dimension of
separation of interface from implementation, to decouple what from
how. Polymorphism allows improved code organization and readability as
well as the creation of extensible programs that can be
“grown” not only during the original creation of the project, but
also when new features are desired.
Encapsulation creates new data types by
combining characteristics and behaviors. Access control separates the interface
from the implementation by making the details private. This kind of
mechanical organization makes ready sense to someone with a procedural
programming background. But virtual functions deal with
decoupling in terms of types. In Chapter 14, you
saw how inheritance allows the treatment of an object as its own type or
its base type. This ability is critical because it allows many types (derived
from the same base type) to be treated as if they were one type, and a single
piece of code to work on all those different types equally. The virtual function
allows one type to express its distinction from another, similar type, as long
as they’re both derived from the same base type. This distinction is
expressed through differences in behavior of the functions that you can call
through the base class.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about
virtual functions, starting from the basics with simple examples that strip away
everything but the “virtualness” of the
programmers seem to acquire C++
in three steps. First, as simply a “better C,” because C++ forces
you to declare all functions before using them and is much pickier about how
variables are used. You can often find the errors in a C program simply by
compiling it with a C++ compiler.
The second step is
“object-based” C++.
This means that you easily see the code organization benefits of grouping a data
structure together with the functions that act upon it, the value of
constructors and destructors, and perhaps some simple inheritance. Most
programmers who have been working with C for a while quickly see the usefulness
of this because, whenever they create a library, this is exactly what they try
to do. With C++, you have the aid of the compiler.
You can get stuck at the object-based
level because you can quickly get there and you get a lot of benefit without
much mental effort. It’s also easy to feel like you’re creating data
types – you make classes and objects, you send messages to those objects,
and everything is nice and neat.
But don’t be fooled. If you stop
here, you’re missing out on the greatest part of the language, which is
the jump to true object-oriented programming. You can do this only with virtual
functions enhance the concept of
type instead of just encapsulating code inside structures and behind walls, so
they are without a doubt the most difficult concept for the new C++ programmer
to fathom. However, they’re also the turning point in the understanding of
object-oriented programming. If you don’t use virtual functions, you
don’t understand OOP yet.
Because the virtual function is
intimately bound with the concept of type, and type is at the core of
object-oriented programming, there is no analog to the virtual function in a
traditional procedural language. As a procedural programmer, you have no
referent with which to think about virtual functions, as you do with almost
every other feature in the language. Features in a procedural language can be
understood on an algorithmic level, but virtual functions can be understood only
from a design
In Chapter 14 you saw how an object can
be used as its own type or as an object of its base type. In addition, it can be
manipulated through an address of the base type. Taking the address of an object
(either a pointer or a reference) and treating it as the address of the base
type is called upcasting because of the way
inheritance trees are drawn with the base class at the top.
You also saw a problem arise, which is
embodied in the following code:
//: C15:Instrument2.cpp // Inheritance & upcasting #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum note { middleC, Csharp, Eflat }; // Etc. class Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Instrument::play" << endl; } }; // Wind objects are Instruments // because they have the same interface: class Wind : public Instrument { public: // Redefine interface function: void play(note) const { cout << "Wind::play" << endl; } }; void tune(Instrument& i) { // ... i.play(middleC); } int main() { Wind flute; tune(flute); // Upcasting } ///:~
The function tune( ) accepts
(by reference) an
Instrument, but also without complaint anything derived from
Instrument. In main( ), you can see this happening as a
Wind object is passed to tune( ), with no
cast necessary. This is acceptable; the interface in
Instrument must exist in Wind, because Wind is publicly
inherited from Instrument. Upcasting from Wind to
Instrument may “narrow” that interface, but never less than
the full interface to Instrument.
same arguments are true when dealing with pointers; the only difference is that
the user must explicitly take the addresses of objects as they are passed into
The problem with Instrument2.cpp
can be seen by running the program. The output is Instrument::play. This
is clearly not the desired output, because you happen to know that the object is
actually a Wind and not just an Instrument. The call should
produce Wind::play. For that matter, any object of a class derived from
Instrument should have its version of play( ) used,
regardless of the situation.
The behavior of Instrument2.cpp is
not surprising, given C’s approach to functions. To understand the issues,
you need to be aware of the concept of
Connecting a function call to a function
body is called binding. When binding is performed before the program is
run (by the compiler and linker), it’s called early
binding. You may not have heard the term before
because it’s never been an option with procedural languages: C compilers
have only one kind of function call, and that’s early
The problem in the program above is
caused by early binding because the compiler cannot know the correct function to
call when it has only an Instrument address.
The solution is called late
binding, which means the
binding occurs at runtime, based on the type of the object. Late binding is also
called dynamic binding or
runtime binding. When a
language implements late binding, there must be some mechanism to determine the
type of the object at runtime and call the appropriate member function. In the
case of a compiled language, the compiler still doesn’t know the actual
object type, but it inserts code that finds out and calls the correct function
body. The late-binding mechanism varies from language to language, but you can
imagine that some sort of type information must be installed in the objects.
You’ll see how this works
To cause late binding to occur for a
particular function, C++ requires that you use the virtual
keyword when declaring the
function in the base class. Late binding occurs only with virtual
functions, and only when you’re using an address of the base class where
those virtual functions exist, although they may also be defined in an
earlier base class.
To create a member function as
virtual, you simply precede the declaration of
the function with the keyword virtual. Only the declaration needs the
virtual keyword, not the definition. If a function is declared as
virtual in the base class, it is virtual in all the derived
classes. The redefinition of a virtual function in a derived class is
usually called
that you are only required to declare a function virtual in the base
class. All derived-class functions that match the signature of the base-class
declaration will be called using the virtual mechanism. You can use the
virtual keyword in the derived-class declarations
(it does
no harm to do so), but it is redundant and can be confusing.
To get the desired behavior from
Instrument2.cpp, simply add the virtual keyword in the base class
before play( ):
//: C15:Instrument3.cpp // Late binding with the virtual keyword #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum note { middleC, Csharp, Cflat }; // Etc. class Instrument { public: virtual void play(note) const { cout << "Instrument::play" << endl; } }; // Wind objects are Instruments // because they have the same interface: class Wind : public Instrument { public: // Override interface function: void play(note) const { cout << "Wind::play" << endl; } }; void tune(Instrument& i) { // ... i.play(middleC); } int main() { Wind flute; tune(flute); // Upcasting } ///:~
This file is identical to
Instrument2.cpp except for the addition of the virtual keyword,
and yet the behavior is significantly different: Now the output is
With play( ) defined as
virtual in the base class, you can add as many new types as you want
without changing the tune( ) function. In a well-designed OOP
program, most or all of your functions will follow the model of
tune( ) and communicate only with the base-class
interface. Such a program is
extensible because you can add new functionality
by inheriting new data types from the common base class. The functions that
manipulate the base-class interface will not need to be changed at all to
accommodate the new classes.
Here’s the instrument example with
more virtual functions and a number of new classes, all of which work correctly
with the old, unchanged tune( ) function:
//: C15:Instrument4.cpp // Extensibility in OOP #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum note { middleC, Csharp, Cflat }; // Etc. class Instrument { public: virtual void play(note) const { cout << "Instrument::play" << endl; } virtual char* what() const { return "Instrument"; } // Assume this will modify the object: virtual void adjust(int) {} }; class Wind : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Wind::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Wind"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Percussion : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Percussion::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Percussion"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Stringed : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Stringed::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Stringed"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Brass : public Wind { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Brass::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Brass"; } }; class Woodwind : public Wind { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Woodwind::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Woodwind"; } }; // Identical function from before: void tune(Instrument& i) { // ... i.play(middleC); } // New function: void f(Instrument& i) { i.adjust(1); } // Upcasting during array initialization: Instrument* A[] = { new Wind, new Percussion, new Stringed, new Brass, }; int main() { Wind flute; Percussion drum; Stringed violin; Brass flugelhorn; Woodwind recorder; tune(flute); tune(drum); tune(violin); tune(flugelhorn); tune(recorder); f(flugelhorn); } ///:~
You can see that another inheritance
level has been added beneath Wind, but the virtual mechanism works
correctly no matter how many levels there are. The adjust( )
function is not overridden for Brass and Woodwind. When
this happens, the “closest” definition in the inheritance hierarchy
is automatically used – the compiler guarantees there’s always
some definition for a virtual function, so you’ll never end up with
a call that doesn’t bind to a function body. (That would be
The array A[ ] contains pointers
to the base class Instrument, so upcasting occurs during the process of
array initialization. This array and the function f( ) will be used
in later discussions.
In the call to tune( ),
upcasting is performed on each different type of object,
yet the desired behavior always takes place. This can be described as
“sending a message to an
object and letting the object worry about what to do with it.” The
virtual function is the lens to use when you’re trying to analyze a
project: Where should the base classes occur, and how might you want to extend
the program? However, even if you don’t discover the proper base class
interfaces and virtual functions at the initial creation of the program,
you’ll often discover them later, even much later, when you set out to
extend or otherwise maintain the program. This is not an analysis or design
error; it simply means you didn’t or couldn’t know all the
information the first time. Because of the tight class modularization in C++, it
isn’t a large problem when this occurs because changes you make in one
part of a system tend not to propagate to other parts of the system as they do
How can late
binding happen? All the work goes on behind the scenes
by the compiler, which installs the necessary late-binding mechanism when you
ask it to (you ask by creating virtual functions). Because programmers often
benefit from understanding the mechanism of virtual functions in C++, this
section will elaborate on the way the compiler implements this
The keyword
virtual tells the
compiler it should not perform early binding. Instead, it should automatically
install all the mechanisms necessary to perform late binding. This means that if
you call play( ) for a Brass object through an address for
the base-class Instrument, you’ll get the proper
To accomplish this, the typical
creates a single table (called the VTABLE) for each
class that contains virtual functions. The compiler places the addresses
of the virtual functions for that particular class in the VTABLE. In each class
with virtual functions, it secretly places a pointer, called the vpointer
(abbreviated as VPTR), which
points to the VTABLE for that object. When you make a virtual function call
through a base-class pointer (that is, when you make a polymorphic
call), the compiler quietly
inserts code to fetch the VPTR and look up the function address in the VTABLE,
thus calling the correct function and causing late binding to take
All of this – setting up the VTABLE
for each class, initializing the VPTR, inserting the code for the virtual
function call – happens automatically, so you don’t have to worry
about it. With virtual functions, the proper function gets called for an object,
even if the compiler cannot know the specific type of the
You can see that there is no explicit
type information stored in any of the classes. But the previous examples, and
simple logic, tell you that there must be some sort of type information stored
in the objects; otherwise the type could not be established at runtime. This is
true, but the type information is hidden. To see it, here’s an example to
examine the sizes of classes that use virtual functions compared with those that
//: C15:Sizes.cpp // Object sizes with/without virtual functions #include <iostream> using namespace std; class NoVirtual { int a; public: void x() const {} int i() const { return 1; } }; class OneVirtual { int a; public: virtual void x() const {} int i() const { return 1; } }; class TwoVirtuals { int a; public: virtual void x() const {} virtual int i() const { return 1; } }; int main() { cout << "int: " << sizeof(int) << endl; cout << "NoVirtual: " << sizeof(NoVirtual) << endl; cout << "void* : " << sizeof(void*) << endl; cout << "OneVirtual: " << sizeof(OneVirtual) << endl; cout << "TwoVirtuals: " << sizeof(TwoVirtuals) << endl; } ///:~
With no virtual functions, the size of
the object is exactly what you’d expect: the size of a
int. With a single virtual function in OneVirtual, the size of the
object is the size of NoVirtual plus the size of a void pointer.
It turns out that the compiler inserts a single pointer (the VPTR) into the
structure if you have one or more virtual functions. There is no size
difference between OneVirtual and TwoVirtuals. That’s
because the VPTR points to a table of function addresses. You need only one
table because all the virtual function addresses are contained in that single
This example required at least one data
member. If there had been no data members, the C++ compiler would have forced
the objects to be a nonzero size
because each object must have a
distinct address. If you imagine indexing into an array of zero-sized objects,
you’ll understand. A “dummy” member is inserted into objects
that would otherwise be zero-sized. When the type information is inserted
because of the virtual keyword, this takes the place of the
“dummy” member. Try commenting out the int a in all the
classes in the example above to see
To understand exactly what’s going
on when you use a virtual function, it’s helpful to visualize the
activities going on behind the curtain. Here’s a drawing of the array of
pointers A[ ] in Instrument4.cpp:
The array of Instrument pointers
has no specific type information; they each point to an object of type
Instrument. Wind, Percussion, Stringed, and
Brass all fit into this category because they are derived from
Instrument (and thus have the same interface as Instrument, and
can respond to the same messages), so their addresses can also be placed into
the array. However, the compiler doesn’t know that they are anything more
than Instrument objects, so left to its own devices it would normally
call the base-class versions of all the functions. But in this case, all those
functions have been declared with the virtual keyword, so something
different happens.
Each time you create a class that
contains virtual functions, or you derive from a class that contains virtual
functions, the compiler creates a unique VTABLE for that
class, seen on the right of the diagram. In that table it places the addresses
of all the functions that are declared virtual in this class or in the base
class. If you don’t override a function that was declared virtual in the
base class, the compiler uses the address of the base-class version in the
derived class. (You can see this in the adjust entry in the Brass
VTABLE.) Then it places the VPTR (discovered in
Sizes.cpp) into the class. There is only one VPTR for each object when
using simple inheritance like this. The VPTR must be initialized to point to the
starting address of the appropriate VTABLE. (This happens in the constructor,
which you’ll see later in more detail.)
Once the VPTR is initialized to the
proper VTABLE, the object in effect “knows” what type it is. But
this self-knowledge is worthless unless it is used at the point a virtual
function is called.
When you call a virtual function through
a base class address (the situation when the compiler doesn’t have all the
information necessary to perform early binding), something special happens.
Instead of performing a typical function call, which is simply an
assembly-language CALL to a particular address, the compiler generates
different code to perform the function call. Here’s what a call to
adjust( ) for a Brass object looks like, if made through an
Instrument pointer (An Instrument reference produces the same
The compiler begins with the
Instrument pointer, which points to the starting address of the object.
All Instrument objects or objects derived from Instrument have
their VPTR in the same place (often at the beginning of the object), so the
compiler can pick the VPTR out of the object. The VPTR points to the starting
address of the VTABLE. All the VTABLE function addresses are laid out in the
same order, regardless of the specific type of the object. play( )
is first, what( ) is second, and adjust( ) is third. The
compiler knows that regardless of the specific object type, the
adjust( ) function is at the location VPTR+2. Thus, instead of
saying, “Call the function at the absolute location
Instrument::adjust” (early
the wrong action), it generates code that says, in effect, “Call the
function at VPTR+2.” Because the fetching of the VPTR and the
determination of the actual function address occur at runtime, you get the
desired late binding. You send a message to the object, and the object figures
out what to do with
It can be helpful to see the
assembly-language code generated by a virtual function
so you can see that late-binding is indeed taking place. Here’s the output
from one compiler for the call
inside the function f(Instrument&
push 1 push si mov bx, word ptr [si] call word ptr [bx+4] add sp, 4
The arguments of a C++ function call,
like a C function call, are pushed on the stack from right to left (this order
is required to support C’s variable argument lists), so the argument
1 is pushed on the stack first. At this point in the function, the
register si (part of the Intel X86 processor architecture) contains the
address of i. This is also pushed on the stack because it is the starting
address of the object of interest. Remember that the starting address
corresponds to the value of this, and this
is quietly pushed on the stack as an argument before every member function call,
so the member function knows which particular object it is working on. So
you’ll always see one more than the number of arguments pushed on the
stack before a member function call (except for static member functions,
which have no this).
Now the actual virtual function call must
be performed. First, the VPTR must be produced, so the
VTABLE can be found. For this compiler the VPTR is
inserted at the beginning of the object, so the contents of this
correspond to the VPTR. The line
mov bx, word ptr [si]
fetches the word that si (that is,
this) points to, which is the VPTR. It places the VPTR into the
register bx.
The VPTR contained in bx points to
the starting address of the VTABLE, but the function pointer to call isn’t
at location zero of the VTABLE, but instead at location two (because it’s
the third function in the list). For this memory model each function pointer is
two bytes long, so the compiler adds four to the VPTR to calculate where the
address of the proper function is. Note that this is a constant value,
established at compile time, so the only thing that matters is that the function
pointer at location number two is the one for adjust( ).
Fortunately, the compiler takes care of all the bookkeeping for you and ensures
that all the function pointers in all the VTABLEs of a particular class
hierarchy occur in the same order, regardless of the order that you may override
them in derived classes.
Once the address of the proper function
pointer in the VTABLE is calculated, that function is called. So the address is
fetched and called all at once in the statement
call word ptr [bx+4]
Finally, the stack pointer is moved back
up to clean off the arguments that were pushed before the call. In C and C++
assembly code you’ll often see the caller clean off the arguments but this
may vary depending on processors and compiler
Because the VPTR determines the virtual
function behavior of the object, you can see how it’s critical that the
VPTR always be pointing to the proper VTABLE. You don’t ever want to be
able to make a call to a virtual function before the VPTR is properly
initialized. Of course, the place where initialization can be guaranteed is in
the constructor, but none of the Instrument examples has a
This is where creation of the default
constructor is essential. In the Instrument examples, the compiler
creates a default constructor that does nothing except initialize the VPTR. This
constructor, of course, is automatically called for all Instrument
objects before you can do anything with them, so you know that it’s always
safe to call virtual functions.
The implications of the automatic
initialization of the VPTR inside the constructor are discussed in a later
It’s important to realize that
upcasting deals only with addresses. If the compiler has
an object, it knows the exact type and therefore (in C++) will not use late
binding for any function calls – or at least, the compiler doesn’t
need to use late binding. For efficiency’s sake, most compilers
will perform early binding when
they are making a call to a virtual function for an object because they know the
exact type. Here’s an example:
//: C15:Early.cpp // Early binding & virtual functions #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Pet { public: virtual string speak() const { return ""; } }; class Dog : public Pet { public: string speak() const { return "Bark!"; } }; int main() { Dog ralph; Pet* p1 = &ralph; Pet& p2 = ralph; Pet p3; // Late binding for both: cout << "p1->speak() = " << p1->speak() <<endl; cout << "p2.speak() = " << p2.speak() << endl; // Early binding (probably): cout << "p3.speak() = " << p3.speak() << endl; } ///:~
In p1–>speak( ) and
p2.speak( ), addresses are used, which means the information is
incomplete: p1 and p2 can represent the address of a Pet
or something derived from Pet, so the virtual mechanism must be
used. When calling p3.speak( ) there’s no ambiguity. The
compiler knows the exact type and that it’s an object, so it can’t
possibly be an object derived from Pet – it’s exactly
a Pet. Thus, early binding is probably used. However, if the compiler
doesn’t want to work so hard, it can still use late binding and the same
behavior will
At this point you may have a question:
“If this technique is so important, and if it makes the
‘right’ function call all the time, why is it an option? Why do I
even need to know about it?”
This is a good question, and the answer
is part of the fundamental philosophy of C++: “Because it’s not
quite as efficient.” You
can see from the previous assembly-language output that instead of one simple
CALL to an absolute address, there are two – more sophisticated –
assembly instructions required to set up the virtual function call. This
requires both code space and execution time.
Some object-oriented languages have taken
the approach that late binding is so intrinsic to object-oriented programming
that it should always take place, that it should not be an option, and the user
shouldn’t have to know about it. This is a design decision when creating a
language, and that particular path is appropriate for many
However, C++ comes from the C heritage, where efficiency is critical. After all,
C was created to replace assembly language for the implementation of an
operating system (thereby rendering that operating system – Unix –
far more portable than its predecessors). One of the main reasons for the
invention of C++ was to make C programmers more
efficient.[57] And
the first question asked when C programmers encounter C++ is, “What kind
of size and speed impact will I get?” If the answer were,
“Everything’s great except for function calls when you’ll
always have a little extra overhead,” many people would stick with C
rather than make the change to C++. In addition, inline functions
would not be possible, because
virtual functions must have an address to put into the VTABLE. So the virtual
function is an option, and the language defaults to nonvirtual, which is
the fastest configuration. Stroustrup stated that his guideline was, “If
you don’t use it, you don’t pay for it.”
Thus, the
virtual keyword is
provided for efficiency tuning. When designing your classes, however, you
shouldn’t be worrying about efficiency tuning. If you’re going to
use polymorphism, use virtual functions everywhere. You only need to look for
functions that can be made non-virtual when searching for ways to speed up your
code (and there are usually much bigger gains to be had in other areas – a
good profiler will do a better job of finding bottlenecks than you will by
making guesses).
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the size
and speed impacts of going to C++ are within 10 percent of the size and speed of
C, and often much closer to the same. The reason you might get better size and
speed efficiency is because you may design a C++ program in a smaller, faster
way than you would using
Often in a design, you want the base
class to present only an interface for its derived classes. That is, you
don’t want anyone to actually create an object of the base class, only to
upcast to it so that its interface can be used. This is accomplished by making
that class abstract, which happens if you give it at least one pure
virtual function. You can recognize a pure virtual function because it uses
the virtual keyword and is followed by = 0. If anyone tries to
make an object of an abstract class, the compiler prevents them. This is a tool
that allows you to enforce a particular design.
When an abstract class is inherited, all
pure virtual functions must be implemented, or the inherited class becomes
abstract as well. Creating a pure virtual function allows you to put a member
function in an interface without being forced to provide a possibly meaningless
body of code for that member function. At the same time, a pure virtual function
forces inherited classes to provide a definition for it.
In all of the instrument examples, the
functions in the base class Instrument were always “dummy”
functions. If these functions are ever called, something is wrong. That’s
because the intent of Instrument is to create a common interface for all
of the classes derived from it.
The only reason to establish the common
interface is so it can be
expressed differently for each different subtype. It creates a basic form that
determines what’s in common with all of the derived classes –
nothing else. So Instrument is an appropriate candidate to be an abstract
class. You create an abstract class when you only want to manipulate a set of
classes through a common interface, but the common interface doesn’t need
to have an implementation (or at least, a full implementation).
If you have a concept like Instrument
that works as an abstract class, objects of that class almost always have no
meaning. That is, Instrument is meant to express only the interface, and
not a particular implementation, so creating an object that is only an
Instrument makes no sense, and you’ll probably want to prevent the
user from doing it. This can be accomplished by making all the virtual functions
in Instrument print error messages, but that delays the appearance of the
error information until runtime and it requires reliable exhaustive testing on
the part of the user. It is much better to catch the problem at compile
Here is the syntax used for a pure
virtual declaration:
virtual void f() = 0;
By doing this, you tell the compiler to
reserve a slot for a function in the VTABLE, but not to
put an address in that particular slot. Even if only one function in a class is
declared as pure virtual, the VTABLE is incomplete.
If the VTABLE for a class is incomplete,
what is the compiler supposed to do when someone tries to make an object of that
class? It cannot safely create an object of an abstract class, so you get an
error message from the compiler. Thus, the compiler guarantees the purity of the
abstract class. By making a class abstract, you ensure that the client
programmer cannot misuse it.
Here’s Instrument4.cpp
modified to use pure virtual functions. Because the class has nothing but pure
virtual functions, we call it a pure abstract class:
//: C15:Instrument5.cpp // Pure abstract base classes #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum note { middleC, Csharp, Cflat }; // Etc. class Instrument { public: // Pure virtual functions: virtual void play(note) const = 0; virtual char* what() const = 0; // Assume this will modify the object: virtual void adjust(int) = 0; }; // Rest of the file is the same ... class Wind : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Wind::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Wind"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Percussion : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Percussion::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Percussion"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Stringed : public Instrument { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Stringed::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Stringed"; } void adjust(int) {} }; class Brass : public Wind { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Brass::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Brass"; } }; class Woodwind : public Wind { public: void play(note) const { cout << "Woodwind::play" << endl; } char* what() const { return "Woodwind"; } }; // Identical function from before: void tune(Instrument& i) { // ... i.play(middleC); } // New function: void f(Instrument& i) { i.adjust(1); } int main() { Wind flute; Percussion drum; Stringed violin; Brass flugelhorn; Woodwind recorder; tune(flute); tune(drum); tune(violin); tune(flugelhorn); tune(recorder); f(flugelhorn); } ///:~
Pure virtual functions are helpful
because they make explicit the abstractness of a class and tell both the user
and the compiler how it was intended to be used.
Note that pure virtual functions prevent
an abstract class from being passed into a function by value. Thus, it is
also a way to prevent object slicing (which will be described
shortly). By making a class abstract, you can ensure
that a pointer or reference is always used during upcasting to that
Just because one pure virtual function
prevents the VTABLE from being completed doesn’t mean that you don’t
want function bodies for some of the others. Often you will want to call a
base-class version of a function, even if it is virtual. It’s always a
good idea to put common code as close as possible to the root of your hierarchy.
Not only does this save code space, it allows easy propagation of
It’s possible to provide a
definition for a pure virtual function in the base class. You’re still
telling the compiler not to allow objects of that abstract base class, and the
pure virtual functions must still be defined in derived classes in order to
create objects. However, there may be a common piece of code that you want some
or all of the derived class definitions to call rather than duplicating that
code in every function.
Here’s what a pure virtual
definition looks like:
//: C15:PureVirtualDefinitions.cpp // Pure virtual base definitions #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Pet { public: virtual void speak() const = 0; virtual void eat() const = 0; // Inline pure virtual definitions illegal: //! virtual void sleep() const = 0 {} }; // OK, not defined inline void Pet::eat() const { cout << "Pet::eat()" << endl; } void Pet::speak() const { cout << "Pet::speak()" << endl; } class Dog : public Pet { public: // Use the common Pet code: void speak() const { Pet::speak(); } void eat() const { Pet::eat(); } }; int main() { Dog simba; // Richard's dog simba.speak(); simba.eat(); } ///:~
The slot in the Pet VTABLE is
still empty, but there happens to be a function by that name that you can call
in the derived class.
The other benefit to this feature is that
it allows you to change from an ordinary virtual to a pure virtual without
disturbing the existing code. (This is a way for you to locate classes that
don’t override that virtual
You can imagine what happens when you
perform inheritance and override some of the virtual functions. The compiler
creates a new VTABLE for your new class, and it inserts your new function
addresses using the base-class function addresses for any virtual functions you
don’t override. One way or another, for every object that can be created
(that is, its class has no pure virtuals) there’s always a full set of
function addresses in the VTABLE, so you’ll never be able to make a call
to an address that isn’t there (which would be
But what happens when you inherit and add
new virtual functions in the derived
Here’s a simple example:
//: C15:AddingVirtuals.cpp // Adding virtuals in derivation #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Pet { string pname; public: Pet(const string& petName) : pname(petName) {} virtual string name() const { return pname; } virtual string speak() const { return ""; } }; class Dog : public Pet { string name; public: Dog(const string& petName) : Pet(petName) {} // New virtual function in the Dog class: virtual string sit() const { return Pet::name() + " sits"; } string speak() const { // Override return Pet::name() + " says 'Bark!'"; } }; int main() { Pet* p[] = {new Pet("generic"),new Dog("bob")}; cout << "p[0]->speak() = " << p[0]->speak() << endl; cout << "p[1]->speak() = " << p[1]->speak() << endl; //! cout << "p[1]->sit() = " //! << p[1]->sit() << endl; // Illegal } ///:~
The class Pet contains a two
virtual functions: speak( ) and name( ). Dog adds
a third virtual function called sit( ), as well as overriding the
meaning of speak( ). A diagram will help you visualize what’s
happening. Here are the VTABLEs created by the compiler
for Pet and Dog:
Notice that the compiler maps the
location of the speak( ) address into exactly the same spot in the
Dog VTABLE as it is in the Pet VTABLE. Similarly, if a class
Pug is inherited from Dog, its version of sit( ) would
be placed in its VTABLE in exactly the same spot as it is in Dog. This is
because (as you saw with the assembly-language example) the compiler generates
code that uses a simple numerical offset into the VTABLE to select the virtual
function. Regardless of the specific subtype the object belongs to, its VTABLE
is laid out the same way, so calls to the virtual functions will always be made
the same way.
In this case, however, the compiler is
working only with a pointer to a base-class object. The base class has only the
speak( ) and name( ) functions, so those is the only
functions the compiler will allow you to call. How could it possibly know that
you are working with a Dog object, if it has only a pointer to a
base-class object? That pointer might point to some other type, which
doesn’t have a sit( ) function. It may or may not have some
other function address at that point in the VTABLE, but in either case, making a
virtual call to that VTABLE address is not what you want to do. So the compiler
is doing its job by protecting you from making virtual calls to functions that
exist only in derived classes.
There are some less-common cases in which
you may know that the pointer actually points to an object of a specific
subclass. If you want to call a function that only exists in that subclass, then
you must cast the pointer. You can remove the error message produced by the
previous program like this:
Here, you happen to know that p[1]
points to a Dog object, but in general you don’t know that. If your
problem is set up so that you must know the exact types of all objects, you
should rethink it, because you’re probably not using virtual functions
properly. However, there are some situations in which the design works best (or
you have no choice) if you know the exact type of all objects kept in a generic
container. This is the problem of run-time type identification
RTTI is all about casting base-class
pointers down to derived-class pointers (“up” and
“down” are relative to a typical class diagram, with the base class
at the top). Casting up happens automatically, with no coercion, because
it’s completely safe. Casting down is unsafe because there’s
no compile time information about the actual types, so you must know exactly
what type the object is. If you cast it into the wrong type, you’ll be in
RTTI is described later in this chapter,
and Volume 2 of this book has a chapter devoted to the
There is a distinct difference between
passing the addresses of objects and passing objects by value when using
polymorphism. All the examples you’ve seen here, and virtually all the
examples you should see, pass addresses and not values. This is because
addresses all have the same
size[58], so
passing the address of an object of a derived type (which is usually a bigger
object) is the same as passing the address of an object of the base type (which
is usually a smaller object). As explained before, this is the goal when using
polymorphism – code that manipulates a base type can transparently
manipulate derived-type objects as well.
If you upcast to an object instead of a
pointer or reference, something will happen that may surprise you: the object is
“sliced” until all that remains is the subobject that corresponds to
the destination type of your cast. In the following example you can see what
happens when an object is sliced:
//: C15:ObjectSlicing.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Pet { string pname; public: Pet(const string& name) : pname(name) {} virtual string name() const { return pname; } virtual string description() const { return "This is " + pname; } }; class Dog : public Pet { string favoriteActivity; public: Dog(const string& name, const string& activity) : Pet(name), favoriteActivity(activity) {} string description() const { return Pet::name() + " likes to " + favoriteActivity; } }; void describe(Pet p) { // Slices the object cout << p.description() << endl; } int main() { Pet p("Alfred"); Dog d("Fluffy", "sleep"); describe(p); describe(d); } ///:~
The function describe( ) is
passed an object of type Pet by value. It then calls the virtual
function description( ) for the Pet object. In
main( ), you might expect the first call to produce “This is
Alfred,” and the second to produce “Fluffy likes to sleep.” In
fact, both calls use the base-class version of
description( ).
Two things are happening in this program.
First, because describe( ) accepts a Pet object
(rather than a pointer or reference), any calls to describe( ) will
cause an object the size of Pet to be pushed on the stack and cleaned up
after the call. This means that if an object of a class inherited from
Pet is passed to describe( ), the compiler accepts it, but it
copies only the Pet portion of the object. It slices the derived
portion off of the object, like this:
Now you may wonder about the virtual
function call. Dog::description( ) makes use of portions of both
Pet (which still exists) and Dog, which no longer exists because
it was sliced off! So what happens when the virtual function is
You’re saved from disaster because
the object is being passed by value. Because of this, the compiler knows the
precise type of the object because the derived object has been forced to become
a base object. When passing by value, the
copy-constructor for a Pet
object is used, which initializes the VPTR to the Pet VTABLE and
copies only the Pet parts of the object. There’s no explicit
copy-constructor here, so the compiler synthesizes one. Under all
interpretations, the object truly becomes a Pet during
Object slicing actually removes part of
the existing object as it copies it into the new object, rather than simply
changing the meaning of an address as when using a pointer or reference. Because
of this, upcasting into an object is not done often; in fact, it’s usually
something to watch out for and prevent. Note that, in this example, if
description( ) were made into a pure virtual function in the base
class (which is not unreasonable, since it doesn’t really do anything in
the base class), then the compiler would prevent object slicing because that
wouldn’t allow you to “create” an object of the base type
(which is what happens when you upcast by value). This could be the most
important value of pure virtual functions: to prevent object slicing by
generating a compile-time error message if someone tries to do
In Chapter 14, you saw that redefining an
overloaded function in the base class
hides all of the other
base-class versions of that function. When virtual functions are involved
the behavior is a little different. Consider a modified version of the
NameHiding.cpp example from Chapter 14:
//: C15:NameHiding2.cpp // Virtual functions restrict overloading #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual int f() const { cout << "Base::f()\n"; return 1; } virtual void f(string) const {} virtual void g() const {} }; class Derived1 : public Base { public: void g() const {} }; class Derived2 : public Base { public: // Overriding a virtual function: int f() const { cout << "Derived2::f()\n"; return 2; } }; class Derived3 : public Base { public: // Cannot change return type: //! void f() const{ cout << "Derived3::f()\n";} }; class Derived4 : public Base { public: // Change argument list: int f(int) const { cout << "Derived4::f()\n"; return 4; } }; int main() { string s("hello"); Derived1 d1; int x = d1.f(); d1.f(s); Derived2 d2; x = d2.f(); //! d2.f(s); // string version hidden Derived4 d4; x = d4.f(1); //! x = d4.f(); // f() version hidden //! d4.f(s); // string version hidden Base& br = d4; // Upcast //! br.f(1); // Derived version unavailable br.f(); // Base version available br.f(s); // Base version abailable } ///:~
The first thing to notice is that in
Derived3, the compiler will not allow you to change the return type of an
overridden function (it will allow it if f( ) is not virtual). This
is an important restriction because the compiler must guarantee that you can
polymorphically call the function through the base class, and if the base class
is expecting an int to be returned from f( ), then the
derived-class version of f( ) must keep that contract or else things
will break.
The rule shown in Chapter 14 still works:
if you override one of the overloaded member functions in the base class, the
other overloaded versions become hidden in the derived class. In main( )
the code that tests Derived4 shows that this happens even if the new
version of f( ) isn’t actually overriding an existing virtual
function interface – both of the base-class versions of f( )
are hidden by f(int). However, if you upcast d4 to Base,
then only the base-class versions are available (because that’s what the
base-class contract promises) and the derived-class version is not available
(because it isn’t specified in the base
The Derived3 class above suggests
that you cannot modify the return type of a virtual function during overriding.
This is generally true, but there is a special case in which you can slightly
modify the return type. If you’re returning a pointer or a reference to a
base class, then the overridden version of the function may return a pointer or
reference to a class derived from what the base returns. For
//: C15:VariantReturn.cpp // Returning a pointer or reference to a derived // type during ovverriding #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class PetFood { public: virtual string foodType() const = 0; }; class Pet { public: virtual string type() const = 0; virtual PetFood* eats() = 0; }; class Bird : public Pet { public: string type() const { return "Bird"; } class BirdFood : public PetFood { public: string foodType() const { return "Bird food"; } }; // Upcast to base type: PetFood* eats() { return &bf; } private: BirdFood bf; }; class Cat : public Pet { public: string type() const { return "Cat"; } class CatFood : public PetFood { public: string foodType() const { return "Birds"; } }; // Return exact type instead: CatFood* eats() { return &cf; } private: CatFood cf; }; int main() { Bird b; Cat c; Pet* p[] = { &b, &c, }; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof p / sizeof *p; i++) cout << p[i]->type() << " eats " << p[i]->eats()->foodType() << endl; // Can return the exact type: Cat::CatFood* cf = c.eats(); Bird::BirdFood* bf; // Cannot return the exact type: //! bf = b.eats(); // Must downcast: bf = dynamic_cast<Bird::BirdFood*>(b.eats()); } ///:~
The Pet::eats( ) member
function returns a pointer to a PetFood. In Bird, this member
function is overloaded exactly as in the base class, including the return type.
That is, Bird::eats( ) upcasts the BirdFood to a
But in Cat, the return type of
eats( ) is a pointer to CatFood, a type derived from
PetFood. The fact that the return type is inherited from the return type
of the base-class function is the only reason this compiles. That way, the
contract is still fulfilled; eats( ) always returns a PetFood
If you think polymorphically, this
doesn’t seem necessary. Why not just upcast all the return types to
PetFood*, just as Bird::eats( ) did? This is typically a good
solution, but at the end of main( ), you see the difference:
Cat::eats( ) can return the exact type of PetFood, whereas
the return value of Bird::eats( ) must be downcast to the exact
So being able to return the exact type is
a little more general, and doesn’t lose the specific type information by
automatically upcasting. However, returning the base type will generally solve
your problems so this is a rather specialized
When an object containing virtual
functions is created, its VPTR must be initialized to
point to the proper VTABLE. This must be done before
there’s any possibility of calling a virtual function. As you might guess,
because the constructor has the job of bringing an object into existence, it is
also the constructor’s job to set up the VPTR. The compiler secretly
inserts code into the beginning of the constructor that initializes the VPTR.
And as described in Chapter 14, if you don’t explicitly create a
constructor for a class, the compiler will synthesize one for you. If the class
has virtual functions, the synthesized constructor will include the proper VPTR
initialization code. This has several implications.
The first concerns efficiency. The reason
for inline functions is
to reduce the calling overhead for small functions. If C++ didn’t provide
inline functions, the preprocessor might be used to create these
“macros.” However, the preprocessor has no concept of access or
classes, and therefore couldn’t be used to create member function macros.
In addition, with constructors that must have hidden code inserted by the
compiler, a preprocessor macro wouldn’t work at all.
You must be aware when hunting for
holes that the compiler is inserting hidden code into your constructor function.
Not only must it initialize the VPTR, it must also check the value of
this (in case the operator new returns zero) and call
base-class constructors. Taken together, this code can impact what you thought
was a tiny inline function call. In particular, the size of the constructor may
overwhelm the savings you get from reduced function-call overhead. If you make a
lot of inline constructor calls, your code size can grow without any benefits in
Of course, you probably won’t make
all tiny constructors non-inline right away, because they’re much easier
to write as inlines. But when you’re tuning your code, remember to
consider removing the inline
The second interesting facet of
constructors and virtual functions concerns the order of constructor calls and
the way virtual calls are made within constructors.
base-class constructors are always called in the constructor for an inherited
class. This makes sense because the constructor has a special job: to see that
the object is built properly. A derived class has access only to its own
members, and not those of the base class. Only the base-class constructor can
properly initialize its own elements. Therefore it’s essential that all
constructors get called; otherwise the entire object wouldn’t be
constructed properly. That’s why the compiler enforces a constructor call
for every portion of a derived class. It will call the default constructor if
you don’t explicitly call a base-class constructor in the constructor
initializer list. If there is no
default constructor, the
compiler will complain.
The order of the constructor calls is
important. When you inherit, you know all about the base class and can access
any public and protected members of the base class. This means you
must be able to assume that all the members of the base class are valid when
you’re in the derived class. In a normal member function, construction has
already taken place, so all the members of all parts of the object have been
built. Inside the constructor, however, you must be able to assume that all
members that you use have been built. The only way to guarantee this is for the
base-class constructor to be called first. Then when you’re in the
derived-class constructor, all the members you can access in the base class have
been initialized. “Knowing all members are valid” inside the
constructor is also the reason that, whenever possible, you should initialize
all member objects (that is, objects placed in the class using composition) in
the constructor initializer
list. If you follow this practice, you can assume that all base class members
and member objects of the current object have been
The hierarchy of constructor calls brings
up an interesting dilemma. What happens if you’re inside a constructor and
you call a virtual function? Inside an ordinary member function you can imagine
what will happen – the virtual call is resolved at runtime because the
object cannot know whether it belongs to the class the member function is in, or
some class derived from it. For consistency, you might think this is what should
happen inside constructors.
This is not the case. If you call a
virtual function inside a constructor, only the local version of the function is
used. That is, the virtual mechanism doesn’t work within the
This behavior makes sense for two
reasons. Conceptually, the constructor’s job is to bring the object into
existence (which is hardly an ordinary feat). Inside any constructor, the object
may only be partially formed – you can only know that the base-class
objects have been initialized, but you cannot know which classes are inherited
from you. A virtual function call, however, reaches “forward” or
“outward” into the inheritance hierarchy. It calls a function in a
derived class. If you could do this inside a constructor, you’d be calling
a function that might manipulate members that hadn’t been initialized yet,
a sure recipe for disaster.
The second reason is a mechanical one.
When a constructor is called, one of the first things it does is initialize its
VPTR. However, it can only know that it is of the
“current” type – the type the constructor was written for. The
constructor code is completely ignorant of whether or not the object is in the
base of another class. When the compiler generates code for that constructor, it
generates code for a constructor of that class, not a base class and not a class
derived from it (because a class can’t know who inherits it). So the VPTR
it uses must be for the VTABLE of that class. The
VPTR remains initialized to that VTABLE for the rest of the object’s
lifetime unless this isn’t the last constructor call. If a
more-derived constructor is called afterwards, that constructor sets the VPTR to
its VTABLE, and so on, until the last constructor finishes. The state of
the VPTR is determined by the constructor that is called last. This is another
reason why the constructors are
called in order from base to most-derived.
But while all this series of constructor
calls is taking place, each constructor has set the VPTR to its own VTABLE. If
it uses the virtual mechanism for function calls, it will produce only a call
through its own VTABLE, not the most-derived VTABLE (as would be the case after
all the constructors were called). In addition, many compilers recognize
that a virtual function call is being made inside a constructor, and perform
early binding because they know that late-binding will produce a call only to
the local function. In either event, you won’t get the results you might
initially expect from a virtual function call inside a
You cannot use the
virtual keyword with
constructors, but destructors
can and often must be virtual.
The constructor
has the special job of putting an object together piece-by-piece, first by
calling the base constructor, then the more derived constructors in order of
inheritance (it must also call member-object constructors along the way).
Similarly, the destructor has a special job: it must disassemble an object that
may belong to a hierarchy of classes. To do this, the compiler generates code
that calls all the destructors, but in the reverse order that they are
called by the constructor. That is, the destructor starts at the most-derived
class and works its way down to the base class. This is the safe and desirable
thing to do because the current destructor can always know that the base-class
members are alive and active. If you need to call a base-class member function
inside your destructor, it is safe to do so. Thus, the destructor can perform
its own cleanup, then call the next-down destructor, which will perform
its own cleanup, etc. Each destructor knows what
its class is derived from, but not what is derived from
You should keep in mind that constructors
and destructors are the only places where this hierarchy of calls must happen
(and thus the proper hierarchy is automatically generated by the compiler). In
all other functions, only that function will be called (and not
base-class versions), whether it’s virtual or not. The only way for
base-class versions of the same function to be called in ordinary functions
(virtual or not) is if you explicitly call that
Normally, the action of the destructor is
quite adequate. But what happens if you want to manipulate an object through a
pointer to its base class (that is, manipulate the object through its generic
interface)? This activity is a major objective in object-oriented programming.
The problem occurs when you want to delete a pointer of this type for an
object that has been created on the heap with new. If the pointer is to
the base class, the compiler can only know to call the base-class version of the
destructor during delete. Sound familiar? This is the same problem that
virtual functions were created to solve for the general case. Fortunately,
virtual functions work for destructors as they do for all other functions except
//: C15:VirtualDestructors.cpp // Behavior of virtual vs. non-virtual destructor #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base1 { public: ~Base1() { cout << "~Base1()\n"; } }; class Derived1 : public Base1 { public: ~Derived1() { cout << "~Derived1()\n"; } }; class Base2 { public: virtual ~Base2() { cout << "~Base2()\n"; } }; class Derived2 : public Base2 { public: ~Derived2() { cout << "~Derived2()\n"; } }; int main() { Base1* bp = new Derived1; // Upcast delete bp; Base2* b2p = new Derived2; // Upcast delete b2p; } ///:~
When you run the program, you’ll
see that delete bp only calls the base-class destructor, while delete
b2p calls the derived-class destructor followed by the base-class
destructor, which is the behavior we desire. Forgetting to make a destructor
virtual is an insidious bug because it often doesn’t directly
affect the behavior of your program, but it can quietly introduce a memory leak.
Also, the fact that some destruction is occurring can further mask the
Even though the destructor, like the
constructor, is an “exceptional” function, it is possible for the
destructor to be virtual because the object already knows what type it is
(whereas it doesn’t during construction). Once an object has been
constructed, its VPTR is initialized, so virtual function calls can take
virtual destructors are legal in Standard C++, there is an added constraint when
using them: you must provide a function body for the pure virtual destructor.
This seems counterintuitive; how can a virtual function be “pure”
if it needs a function body? But if you keep in mind that constructors and
destructors are special operations it makes more sense, especially if you
remember that all destructors in a class hierarchy are always called. If you
could leave off the definition for a pure virtual destructor, what
function body would be called during destruction? Thus, it’s absolutely
necessary that the compiler and linker enforce the existence of a function body
for a pure virtual destructor.
If it’s pure, but it has to have a
function body, what’s the value of it? The only difference you’ll
see between the pure and non-pure virtual destructor is that the pure virtual
destructor does cause the base class to be abstract, so you cannot create an
object of the base class (although this would also be true if any other member
function of the base class were pure virtual).
Things are a bit confusing, however, when
you inherit a class from one that contains a pure virtual destructor. Unlike
every other pure virtual function, you are not required to provide a
definition of a pure virtual destructor in the derived class. The fact that the
following compiles and links is the proof:
//: C15:UnAbstract.cpp // Pure virtual destructors // seem to behave strangely class AbstractBase { public: virtual ~AbstractBase() = 0; }; AbstractBase::~AbstractBase() {} class Derived : public AbstractBase {}; // No overriding of destructor necessary? int main() { Derived d; } ///:~
Normally, a pure virtual function in a
base class would cause the derived class to be abstract unless it (and all other
pure virtual functions) is given a definition. But here, this seems not to be
the case. However, remember that the compiler automatically creates a
destructor definition for every class if you don’t create one.
That’s what’s happening here – the base class destructor is
being quietly overridden, and thus the definition is being provided by the
compiler and Derived is not actually abstract.
This brings up an interesting question:
What is the point of a pure virtual destructor? Unlike an ordinary pure virtual
function, you must give it a function body. In a derived class, you
aren’t forced to provide a definition since the compiler synthesizes the
destructor for you. So what’s the difference between a regular virtual
destructor and a pure virtual destructor?
The only distinction occurs when you have
a class that only has a single pure virtual function: the destructor. In this
case, the only effect of the purity of the destructor is to prevent the
instantiation of the base class. If there were any other pure virtual functions,
they would prevent the instantiation of the base class, but if there are no
others, then the pure virtual destructor will do it. So, while the addition of a
virtual destructor is essential, whether it’s pure or not isn’t so
When you run the following example, you
can see that the pure virtual function body is called after the derived class
version, just as with any other destructor:
//: C15:PureVirtualDestructors.cpp // Pure virtual destructors // require a function body #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Pet { public: virtual ~Pet() = 0; }; Pet::~Pet() { cout << "~Pet()" << endl; } class Dog : public Pet { public: ~Dog() { cout << "~Dog()" << endl; } }; int main() { Pet* p = new Dog; // Upcast delete p; // Virtual destructor call } ///:~
As a guideline, any time you have a
virtual function in a class, you should immediately add a virtual destructor
(even if it does nothing). This way, you ensure against any surprises
There’s something that happens
during destruction that you might not immediately expect. If you’re inside
an ordinary member function and you call a virtual function, that function is
called using the late-binding mechanism. This is not true with destructors,
virtual or not. Inside a destructor, only the “local” version of the
member function is called; the virtual mechanism is ignored.
//: C15:VirtualsInDestructors.cpp // Virtual calls inside destructors #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual ~Base() { cout << "Base1()\n"; f(); } virtual void f() { cout << "Base::f()\n"; } }; class Derived : public Base { public: ~Derived() { cout << "~Derived()\n"; } void f() { cout << "Derived::f()\n"; } }; int main() { Base* bp = new Derived; // Upcast delete bp; } ///:~
During the destructor call,
Derived::f( ) is not called, even though f( ) is
Why is this? Suppose the virtual
mechanism were used inside the destructor. Then it would be possible for
the virtual call to resolve to a function that was “farther out”
(more derived) on the inheritance hierarchy than the current destructor. But
destructors are called from the “outside in” (from the most-derived
destructor down to the base destructor), so the actual function called would
rely on portions of an object that have already been destroyed! Instead,
the compiler resolves the calls at compile-time and calls only the
“local” version of the function. Notice that the same is true for
the constructor (as described earlier), but in the constructor’s case the
type information wasn’t available, whereas in the destructor the
information (that is, the VPTR) is there, but is isn’t
An issue that has been recurring
throughout this book during the demonstration of the container classes
Stack and Stash is the “ownership problem.” The
“owner” refers to who or what is responsible for calling delete
for objects that have been created dynamically (using new). The
problem when using containers is that they need to be flexible enough to hold
different types of objects. To do this, the containers have held void
pointers and so they haven’t known the type of object they’ve held.
Deleting a void pointer doesn’t call the destructor, so the
container couldn’t be responsible for cleaning up its
One solution was presented in the example
C14:InheritStack.cpp, in which the Stack was inherited into a new
class that accepted and produced only string pointers. Since it knew that
it could hold only pointers to string objects, it could properly delete
them. This was a nice solution, but it requires you to inherit a new container
class for each type that you want to hold in the container. (Although this seems
tedious now, it will actually work quite well in Chapter 16, when templates are
The problem is that you want the
container to hold more than one type, but you don’t want to use
void pointers. Another solution is to use polymorphism by forcing all the
objects held in the container to be inherited from the same base class. That is,
the container holds the objects of the base class, and then you can call virtual
functions – in particular, you can call virtual destructors to solve the
ownership problem.
solution uses what is referred to as a singly-rooted hierarchy or an
object-based hierarchy (because the root class of the hierarchy is
usually named “Object”). It turns out that there are many other
benefits to using a singly-rooted hierarchy; in fact, every other
object-oriented language but C++ enforces the use of such a hierarchy –
when you create a class, you are automatically inheriting it directly or
indirectly from a common base class, a base class that was established by the
creators of the language. In C++, it was thought that the enforced use of this
common base class would cause too much overhead, so it was left out. However,
you can choose to use a common base class in your own projects, and this subject
will be examined further in Volume 2 of this book.
To solve the ownership problem, we can
create an extremely simple Object for the base class, which contains only
a virtual destructor. The Stack can then hold classes inherited from
//: C15:OStack.h // Using a singly-rooted hierarchy #ifndef OSTACK_H #define OSTACK_H class Object { public: virtual ~Object() = 0; }; // Required definition: inline Object::~Object() {} class Stack { struct Link { Object* data; Link* next; Link(Object* dat, Link* nxt) : data(dat), next(nxt) {} }* head; public: Stack() : head(0) {} ~Stack(){ while(head) delete pop(); } void push(Object* dat) { head = new Link(dat, head); } Object* peek() const { return head ? head->data : 0; } Object* pop() { if(head == 0) return 0; Object* result = head->data; Link* oldHead = head; head = head->next; delete oldHead; return result; } }; #endif // OSTACK_H ///:~
To simplify things by keeping everything
in the header file, the (required) definition for the pure virtual destructor is
inlined into the header file, and pop( ) (which might be considered
too large for inlining) is also inlined.
objects now hold pointers to Object rather than void pointers, and
the Stack will only accept and return Object pointers. Now
Stack is much more flexible, since it will hold lots of different types
but will also destroy any objects that are left on the Stack. The new
limitation (which will be finally removed when templates are applied to the
problem in Chapter 16) is that anything that is placed on the Stack must
be inherited from Object. That’s fine if you are starting your
class from scratch, but what if you already have a class such as string
that you want to be able to put onto the Stack? In this case, the new
class must be both a string and an Object, which means it must be
inherited from both classes. This is called multiple inheritance and it
is the subject of an entire chapter in Volume 2 of this book (downloadable from
www.BruceEckel.com). When you read that chapter, you’ll see that
multiple inheritance can be fraught with complexity, and is a feature you should
use sparingly. In this situation, however, everything is simple enough that we
don’t trip across any multiple inheritance pitfalls:
//: C15:OStackTest.cpp //{T} OStackTest.cpp #include "OStack.h" #include "../require.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Use multiple inheritance. We want // both a string and an Object: class MyString: public string, public Object { public: ~MyString() { cout << "deleting string: " << *this << endl; } MyString(string s) : string(s) {} }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { requireArgs(argc, 1); // File name is argument ifstream in(argv[1]); assure(in, argv[1]); Stack textlines; string line; // Read file and store lines in the stack: while(getline(in, line)) textlines.push(new MyString(line)); // Pop some lines from the stack: MyString* s; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if((s=(MyString*)textlines.pop())==0) break; cout << *s << endl; delete s; } cout << "Letting the destructor do the rest:" << endl; } ///:~
Although this is similar to the previous
version of the test program for Stack, you’ll notice that only 10
elements are popped from the stack, which means there are probably some objects
remaining. Because the Stack knows that it holds Objects, the
destructor can properly clean things up, and you’ll see this in the output
of the program, since the MyString objects print messages as they are
Creating containers that hold
Objects is not an unreasonable approach – if you have a
singly-rooted hierarchy (enforced either by the language or by the requirement
that every class inherit from Object). In that case, everything is
guaranteed to be an Object and so it’s not very complicated to use
the containers. In C++, however, you cannot expect this from every class, so
you’re bound to trip over multiple inheritance if you take this approach.
You’ll see in Chapter 16 that templates solve the problem in a much
simpler and more elegant
You can make operators virtual
just like other member functions. Implementing virtual operators often
becomes confusing, however, because you may be operating on two objects, both
with unknown types. This is usually the case with mathematical components (for
which you often overload operators). For example, consider a system that deals
with matrices, vectors and scalar values, all three of which are derived from
class Math:
//: C15:OperatorPolymorphism.cpp // Polymorphism with overloaded operators #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Matrix; class Scalar; class Vector; class Math { public: virtual Math& operator*(Math& rv) = 0; virtual Math& multiply(Matrix*) = 0; virtual Math& multiply(Scalar*) = 0; virtual Math& multiply(Vector*) = 0; virtual ~Math() {} }; class Matrix : public Math { public: Math& operator*(Math& rv) { return rv.multiply(this); // 2nd dispatch } Math& multiply(Matrix*) { cout << "Matrix * Matrix" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Scalar*) { cout << "Scalar * Matrix" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Vector*) { cout << "Vector * Matrix" << endl; return *this; } }; class Scalar : public Math { public: Math& operator*(Math& rv) { return rv.multiply(this); // 2nd dispatch } Math& multiply(Matrix*) { cout << "Matrix * Scalar" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Scalar*) { cout << "Scalar * Scalar" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Vector*) { cout << "Vector * Scalar" << endl; return *this; } }; class Vector : public Math { public: Math& operator*(Math& rv) { return rv.multiply(this); // 2nd dispatch } Math& multiply(Matrix*) { cout << "Matrix * Vector" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Scalar*) { cout << "Scalar * Vector" << endl; return *this; } Math& multiply(Vector*) { cout << "Vector * Vector" << endl; return *this; } }; int main() { Matrix m; Vector v; Scalar s; Math* math[] = { &m, &v, &s }; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Math& m1 = *math[i]; Math& m2 = *math[j]; m1 * m2; } } ///:~
For simplicity, only the operator*
has been overloaded. The goal is to be able to multiply any two Math
objects and produce the desired result – and note that multiplying a
matrix by a vector is a very different operation than multiplying a vector by a
The problem is that, in
main( ), the expression m1 * m2 contains two upcast
Math references, and thus two objects of unknown type. A virtual function
is only capable of making a single dispatch – that is, determining the
type of one unknown object. To determine both types a technique called
multiple dispatching is used in this example, whereby what appears to be
a single virtual function call results in a second virtual call. By the time
this second call is made, you’ve determined both types of object, and can
perform the proper activity. It’s not transparent at first, but if you
stare at the example for awhile it should begin to make sense. This topic is
explored in more depth in the Design Patterns chapter in Volume 2, which you can
download at www.BruceEckel.com.
As you might guess, since there’s
such a thing as upcasting – moving up an
inheritance hierarchy – there should also be
downcasting to move down
a hierarchy. But upcasting is easy since as you move up an inheritance hierarchy
the classes always converge to more general classes. That is, when you upcast
you are always clearly derived from an ancestor class (typically only one,
except in the case of multiple inheritance) but when you downcast there are
usually several possibilities that you could cast to. More specifically, a
Circle is a type of Shape (that’s the upcast), but if you
try to downcast a Shape it could be a Circle, Square,
Triangle, etc. So the dilemma is figuring out a way to safely downcast
(but an even more important issue is asking yourself why you’re
downcasting in the first place instead of just using polymorphism to
automatically figure out the correct type. The avoidance of downcasting is
covered in Volume 2 of this book).
C++ provides a special
explicit cast (introduced
in Chapter 3) called
dynamic_cast that is a
type-safe downcast operation. When you use
dynamic_cast to try to cast down to a particular type, the return value
will be a pointer to the desired type only if the cast is proper and successful,
otherwise it will return zero to indicate that this was not the correct type.
Here’s a minimal example:
//: C15:DynamicCast.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Pet { public: virtual ~Pet(){}}; class Dog : public Pet {}; class Cat : public Pet {}; int main() { Pet* b = new Cat; // Upcast // Try to cast it to Dog*: Dog* d1 = dynamic_cast<Dog*>(b); // Try to cast it to Cat*: Cat* d2 = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(b); cout << "d1 = " << (long)d1 << endl; cout << "d2 = " << (long)d2 << endl; } ///:~
When you use dynamic_cast, you
must be working with a true polymorphic hierarchy – one with
virtual functions – because dynamic_cast
uses information stored in the VTABLE to determine the actual type. Here, the
base class contains a virtual destructor and that suffices. In
main( ), a Cat pointer is upcast to a Pet, and then a
downcast is attempted to both a Dog pointer and a Cat pointer.
Both pointers are printed, and you’ll see when you run the program that
the incorrect downcast produces a zero result. Of course, whenever you downcast
you are responsible for checking to make sure that the result of the cast is
nonzero. Also, you should not assume that the pointer will be exactly the same,
because sometimes pointer adjustments take place during upcasting and
downcasting (in particular, with multiple inheritance).
A dynamic_cast requires a little
bit of extra overhead to run; not much, but if you’re doing a lot of
dynamic_casting (in which case you should be seriously questioning your
program design) this may become a performance issue. In some cases you may know
something special during downcasting that allows you to say for sure what type
you’re dealing with, in which case the extra overhead of the
dynamic_cast becomes unnecessary, and you can use a
static_cast instead.
Here’s how it might work:
//: C15:StaticHierarchyNavigation.cpp // Navigating class hierarchies with static_cast #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class Shape { public: virtual ~Shape() {}; }; class Circle : public Shape {}; class Square : public Shape {}; class Other {}; int main() { Circle c; Shape* s = &c; // Upcast: normal and OK // More explicit but unnecessary: s = static_cast<Shape*>(&c); // (Since upcasting is such a safe and common // operation, the cast becomes cluttering) Circle* cp = 0; Square* sp = 0; // Static Navigation of class hierarchies // requires extra type information: if(typeid(s) == typeid(cp)) // C++ RTTI cp = static_cast<Circle*>(s); if(typeid(s) == typeid(sp)) sp = static_cast<Square*>(s); if(cp != 0) cout << "It's a circle!" << endl; if(sp != 0) cout << "It's a square!" << endl; // Static navigation is ONLY an efficiency hack; // dynamic_cast is always safer. However: // Other* op = static_cast<Other*>(s); // Conveniently gives an error message, while Other* op2 = (Other*)s; // does not } ///:~
In this program, a new feature is used
that is not fully described until Volume 2 of this book, where a chapter is
given to the topic: C++’s
type information (RTTI) mechanism. RTTI allows you to discover type
information that has been lost by upcasting. The dynamic_cast is actually
one form of RTTI. Here, the
typeid keyword (declared
in the header file
is used to detect the types of the pointers. You can see that the type of
the upcast Shape pointer is successively compared to a Circle
pointer and a Square pointer to see if there’s a match.
There’s more to RTTI than typeid, and you can also imagine that it
would be fairly easy to implement your own type information system using a
virtual function.
A Circle object is created and the
address is upcast to a Shape pointer; the second version of the
expression shows how you can use static_cast to be more explicit about
the upcast. However, since an upcast is always safe and it’s a common
thing to do, I consider an
cast for upcasting to be cluttering and unnecessary.
RTTI is used to determine the type, and
then static_cast is used to perform the downcast. But notice that in this
design the process is effectively the same as using dynamic_cast, and the
client programmer must do some testing to discover the cast that was actually
successful. You’ll typically want a situation that’s more
deterministic than in the example above before using static_cast rather
than dynamic_cast (and, again, you want to carefully examine your design
before using dynamic_cast).
If a class hierarchy has no
virtual functions (which is a questionable design) or if you have other
information that allows you to safely downcast, it’s a tiny bit faster to
do the downcast statically than
with dynamic_cast. In addition, static_cast won’t allow you
to cast out of the hierarchy, as the traditional cast will, so it’s safer.
However, statically navigating class hierarchies is always risky and you should
use dynamic_cast unless you have a special
– implemented in C++ with virtual functions
– means “different forms.” In object-oriented programming, you
have the same face (the common interface in the base class) and different forms
using that face: the different versions of the virtual
You’ve seen in this chapter that
it’s impossible to understand, or even create, an example of polymorphism
without using data abstraction and inheritance. Polymorphism is a feature that
cannot be viewed in isolation (like const or a switch statement,
for example), but instead works only in concert, as part of a “big
picture” of class relationships. People are often confused by other,
non-object-oriented features of C++, like overloading and default arguments,
which are sometimes presented as object-oriented. Don’t be fooled; if it
isn’t late binding, it isn’t polymorphism.
To use polymorphism – and thus,
object-oriented techniques – effectively in your programs you must expand
your view of programming to include not just members and messages of an
individual class, but also the commonality among classes and their relationships
with each other. Although this requires significant effort, it’s a worthy
struggle, because the results are faster program development, better code
organization, extensible programs, and easier code maintenance.
Polymorphism completes the
object-oriented features of the language, but there are two more major
features in C++: templates (which are introduce in
Chapter 16 and covered in much more detail in Volume 2), and exception handling
(which is covered in Volume 2). These features provide you as much increase in
programming power as each of the object-oriented features: abstract data typing,
inheritance, and
Solutions to selected exercises
can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in C++ Annotated
Solution Guide, available for a small fee from
Compilers may implement virtual behavior any way they want, but the way
it’s described here is an almost universal approach.
Some compilers might have size issues here but it will be rare.
Smalltalk, Java, and Python, for instance, use this approach with great
At Bell labs, where C++ was invented, there are a lot of C programmers.
Making them all more efficient, even just a bit, saves the company many
Actually, not all pointers are the same size on all machines. In the context of
this discussion, however, they can be considered to be the