Once there was an old man who lived with his old wife in the countryside. They never usually went to town. But one day the old man needed to go to town.

"Darling!" the old man said to his wife, "I need to go to town to buy some new clothes." She asked,"can I go with you?" "No, the town is a bad place. I'll go alone," answered the man. So he went to town, and his wife stayed at home.

When he arrived in the town, the old man walked around with his eyes wide open. It was the first time for him to be in the town. Everything seemed new and strange to him. The old man found himself in a big building. He looked for the stairs but all he waw was a mental door with letters and numbers above it---G,1,2,3,4...11. He stood and looked at this door. He wondered what it was.

An old woman happened to come here and stood beside him. She started looking at the metal door,too. Suddenly the metal door opened and the old woman immediately walked through the door---into a big box with a big mirror inside, like a cupboard. The door shut, then, he heard an almost noiseless machine began working,and the lights appeared behind the numbers.

In a few minutes, the door opened again, and a beautiful young girl came out. "My god! Is she that old woman?" the old man said to himself,"What a pity, I haven't brought my wife!"

The Bumpkin Went to Town







Why the Poor Man Moved Back to the Park Bench?


Every morning about eleven o'clock, a bright new car ran through Central park in New York city. Inside the car sat a driver and his boss, a well-known millionaire.

Almost each morning the millionaire noticed a poorly-dressed man sitting on a park bench. The man always sat there staring at the hotel in which the millionaire lived.

One day the millionaire was so curious about the man that he asked his driver to stop the car and he walked towards the bench. He said to the poor man,"But I just have to know why you sit here staring at my hotel every day."

"Sir," said the poor man, "I'm a failure. Now I have no job, no family and evne no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day I will sleep in that hotel.

The millionaire said to the poor man, "Tonight your dream will come true. I'll pay for the best room in the hotel for you for a month." so the poor man moved to the best room in the hotel.

But a few days later, the millionaire went by the poor man's room, and he wanted to ask him how he enjoyed himself in such a nice room. To his great surprise, the millionaire found that the poor man had moved out of the hotel, back to the park bench.

When the millionaire asked the reason, the poor man said, "Your see,when I'm down here sleeping on the bench, I always dream I am up there in the hotel, it is a wonderful dream. But when I was up there in the hotel, I dreamed I was back here on this cold bench, it was a terrible dream. I could not get any sleep at all, though I was lying in the soft bed."








The "Sick" Lion and the Fox

All the animals were saying how sick the Lion was and how sorry they were for him. Many of them said that the kindest thing they could do would be to go and see him.

Many animals did go, but not the Fox.

some thought it strange that the Fox should be so unkind.

The Lion himself wondered why the Fox did not come and see him, then the Lion sent one of his jackals to talk to the Fox.

"Surely, said the jackal, "you have heard, Mr. Fox, that the Lion is sick. He is the King of Animals, and everyone is going up to his cave to see him. But you have not been. Why is that?"

"I know the Lion is the King of Animals," replied the Fox, "and I ought to visit him, but when I go near his cave I see many foot prints going into the cave but none coming out. Then I am too frightened to go in."

The jackal then knew that the Fox had found the truth. The Lion was pretending to be ill, so that many animals would come into his cave only to be captured and eaten.






