
1665年,牛顿开始考虑无穷小。他提出的问题是:假定我们知道物体在任意时间t内经过的距离是D(t),如何得到任意时刻的速度?他提出对变速运动而言,任意时刻的瞬时速度是在该时刻的无穷小时间区间内经过的距离与时间区间的比值。引入符号o作为无穷小时间区间,牛顿定义时间t的速度为在时刻t和时刻t+o之间经过的距离与o的比值,即速度[d(t+o)-D(t)]/o。例如,如果D(t)=t3 ,那么D(t+o)=t3+3r2o+3to2+o3。由于o是无穷小,我们可能忽略正比于o2和o3的项,取D(t+0)=t3+3t2o,于是D(t+0)-D(t)=3r2o,由此得出速度是3r2。牛顿称之为D(t)的“流数”,但后人称之“导数”,它是现代微积分的基本工具。





微分学Differential Df(x)dx或f’(x)dx







如何确定曲线的斜率呢?如y=4x2+2x+9,显然,整个抛物线没有固定的斜率,每一点的斜率都不同。如何确定点P0(2,29) 斜率呢?从图上看,在点P0画出这个抛物线的切线,切线的斜率就是抛物线的点P0处的斜率。



点P0:( 2 29
x y 割线斜率


5 119 30
4 81 26
3 51 22
2.5 39 20
2.1 30.84 18.4
2.01 29.1804 18.04
2.001 29.018 18.004
2.0001 29.0018 18.0004
2.00001 29.00018 18.00004
















The limiting value of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable.


积分学Integral Calculus


如前面微分学的思路,由割线的斜率去逼近目标点的切线的斜率,曲线下面积的求法的思路也可从矩形的面积累积:构造的矩形的高可由t的值,通过y=f(t)求得,如下图,曲线下面积≈矩形面积之和= f(t1)△t1+ f(t2)△t2+ f(t3)△t3.显然,这个面积只是粗略地近似。如何改进它呢?合适的技巧就是更多的细分:利用极限的思路,不要止于一千或一百万个矩形,让它们的数量没有限制地增加,甚至到了它们的宽度逼近0.









变上限积分在[a,b]上可导,且其导数Φ’(x)=f(x).变上限积分的导数等于被积函数在上限处的值,从几何上看,当f(t) ≥0(∨t∈[a,b])时,△Φ表示x轴上以[x,x+△x]( △x>0)为底,以y=f(x)为曲边的窄条曲边梯形的面积,它除以底的长度△x显示近似于在x点的高度f(x),当△x→0时,这个近似值就成为精确值。














1 极限概念;

2 求积的无限小方法;

3 积分与微分的互逆关系(由牛顿和莱布尼兹完成的)。


1 其一价函数等于0的点;

2 其一阶导数不存在的点;






Today, calculus has widespread uses in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems that algebra alone cannot.

Applications of differential calculus include computations involving velocity and acceleration, the slope of a curve, and optimization. Applications of integral calculus include computations involving area, volume, arc length, center of mass, work, and pressure. More advanced applications include power series and Fourier series.

The most common symbol for a derivative is an apostrophe-like mark called prime. Thus, the derivative of the function of f is f′, pronounced "f prime." For instance, if f(x) = x2 is the squaring function, then f′(x) = 2x is its derivative, the doubling function.

If the input of the function represents time, then the derivative represents change with respect to time. For example, if f is a function that takes a time as input and gives the position of a ball at that time as output, then the derivative of f is how the position is changing in time, that is, it is the velocity of the ball.

If a function is linear (that is, if the graph of the function is a straight line), then the function can be written as y = mx + b, where x is the independent variable, y is the dependent variable, b is the y-intercept, and:

This gives an exact value for the slope of a straight line. If the graph of the function is not a straight line, however, then the change in y divided by the change in x varies. Derivatives give an exact meaning to the notion of change in output with respect to change in input. To be concrete, let f be a function, and fix a point a in the domain of f. (a, f(a)) is a point on the graph of the function. If h is a number close to zero, then a + h is a number close to a. Therefore, (a + h, f(a + h)) is close to (a, f(a)). The slope between these two points is

This expression is called a difference quotient. A line through two points on a curve is called a secant line, so m is the slope of the secant line between (a, f(a)) and (a + h, f(a + h)). The secant line is only an approximation to the behavior of the function at the point a because it does not account for what happens between a and a + h. It is not possible to discover the behavior at a by setting h to zero because this would require dividing by zero, which is undefined. The derivative is defined by taking the limit as h tends to zero, meaning that it considers the behavior of f for all small values of h and extracts a consistent value for the case when h equals zero:

Geometrically, the derivative is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f at a. The tangent line is a limit of secant lines just as the derivative is a limit of difference quotients. For this reason, the derivative is sometimes called the slope of the function f.

Here is a particular example, the derivative of the squaring function at the input 3. Let f(x) = x2 be the squaring function.

. Leibniz, however, did intend it to represent the quotient of two infinitesimally small numbers, dy being the infinitesimally small change in y caused by an infinitesimally small change dx applied to x.

The indefinite integral is the antiderivative, the inverse operation to the derivative. F is an indefinite integral of f when f is a derivative of F. (This use of lower- and upper-case letters for a function and its indefinite integral is common in calculus.)

The definite integral inputs a function and outputs a number, which gives the algebraic sum of areas between the graph of the input and the x-axis. The technical definition of the definite integral involves the limit of a sum of areas of rectangles, called a Riemann sum.

A motivating example is the distances traveled in a given time.

Distance = Speed * Time

If the speed is constant, only multiplication is needed, but if the speed changes, a more powerful method of finding the distance is necessary. One such method is to approximate the distance traveled by breaking up the time into many short intervals of time, then multiplying the time elapsed in each interval by one of the speeds in that interval, and then taking the sum (a Riemann sum) of the approximate distance traveled in each interval. The basic idea is that if only a short time elapses, then the speed will stay more or less the same. However, a Riemann sum only gives an approximation of the distance traveled. We must take the limit of all such Riemann sums to find the exact distance traveled.

When velocity is constant, the total distance traveled over the given time interval can be computed by multiplying velocity and time. For example, travelling a steady 50 mph for 3 hours results in a total distance of 150 miles. In the diagram on the left, when constant velocity and time are graphed, these two values form a rectangle with height equal to the velocity and width equal to the time elapsed. Therefore, the product of velocity and time also calculates the rectangular area under the (constant) velocity curve. This connection between the area under a curve and distance traveled can be extended to any irregularly shaped region exhibiting a fluctuating velocity over a given time period. If f(x) in the diagram on the right represents speed as it varies over time, the distance traveled (between the times represented by a and b) is the area of the shaded region s.

To approximate that area, an intuitive method would be to divide up the distance between a and b into a number of equal segments, the length of each segment represented by the symbol Δx. For each small segment, we can choose one value of the function f(x). Call that value h. Then the area of the rectangle with base Δx and height h gives the distance (time Δx multiplied by speed h) traveled in that segment. Associated with each segment is the average value of the function above it, f(x) = h. The sum of all such rectangles gives an approximation of the area between the axis and the curve, which is an approximation of the total distance traveled. A smaller value for Δx will give more rectangles and in most cases a better approximation, but for an exact answer we need to take a limit as Δx approaches zero. The symbol of integration is "S", an elongated S (the S stands for "sum"). The definite integral is written as:

and is read "the integral from a to b of f-of-x with respect to x."

The indefinite integral, or antiderivative, is written:

Functions differing by only a constant have the same derivative, and it can be shown that the antiderivative of a given function is actually a family of functions differing only by a constant. Since the derivative of the function y = x2 + C, where C is any constant, is y′ = 2x, the antiderivative of the latter given by:

The unspecified constant C present in the indefinite integral or antiderivative is known as the constant of integration.

The fundamental theorem of calculus states: If a function f is continuous on the interval [a, b] and if F is a function whose derivative is f on the interval (a, b), then

Furthermore, for every x in the interval (a, b),