1 CRT显示器:Cathode Ray Tube阴极射线显像管显示器 
  1.1 组成: 由电子枪、偏转线圈、荫罩、粉屏、玻璃外壳组成;
  1.2 性能指标: 分辨率、刷新频率、行频、点距、电磁辐射;
  1.3 优势: 可视角度大,无坏点,响应时间极短,色彩还原度高,色彩均匀,是游戏玩家和图像制作人士的首选;
  1.4 劣势: 辐射和屏幕闪烁容易使人产生疲劳;
2 LCD显示器:通过控制是否透光来自动调整明暗度,画面稳定无闪烁,无辐射,其性能指标包括:
  1.1 点距 在大小固定的前提下,点距越小图像越清晰;
  1.2 真实分辨率 1024*768,设为800*600时,超出部分为黑屏,扩展显示则效果不好;
  1.3 色彩数量 比CRT少,目前主流是18位色,即2的18次方:262144色,现在的操作系统和显卡都支持32位色;
  1.4 响应时间 各像素对输入信号反应的速度,常说的25ms,16,12.8ms就是指响应时,响应时间越短,看动态画面时越不会有尾拖曳的感觉;
  1.5 可视角度  
  1.6 亮度  
  1.7 对比度  

















touchscreen monitor

How do touchscreen monitors know where your're touching?

Touchscreen monitors have three basic systems that are used to recognize a person's touch:






surface acoustic wave


The resistive system consists of a normal glass panel that is covered with a conductive layer and a resistive metallic layer.These two layers are held apart by spacers,and a scratch-resistant layer is placed on top of the whole setup.An electrical current runs through the two layers while the monitor is operational.When a user touches the screen,the two layers make contact in that exact spot.The change in the electrical field is noted and the coordinates of the point of contact are calculated by the computer.Once the coordinates are known,a special driver translates the touch into something that the operating system can understand,much as a computer mouse driver translates a mouse's movements into a click or a drag. 电阻性触摸式屏幕显示器使用一块普通的平板玻璃,上面一层导电性


In the capacitive system,a layer that stores eletrical charge is placed on the glass panel of the monitor.When a user touches the monitor with a finger,some of the charge is transferred to the user,so the charge on the capacitive layer decreases.This decrease is measured in circuits located at each corner of the monitor.The computer calculates,from the relative differences in charge at each corner,exactly where the touch event took place and then relays that information to the touchscreen driver software.One advantage that the capacitive system has over the resistive system is that it transmits almost 90 percent of the light from the monitor,whereas the resistive system only trnasmits about 75 percent.This gives the capacitive system a much clearer picture than the resistive system.


On the monitor of a surface acoustic wave system,two transducers(one receiving and one sending) are placed along the X and Y axes of the monitor's glass plate.Also placed on the glass are reflectors-they reflect an electrical signal sent from one transducer to the other.The receiving transducer is able to tell if the wave has been disturbed by a touch event at any instant,and can locate it accordingly.The wave setup has no metallic layers on the screen,allowing for 100-percent light throughput and perfect image clarity.This makes the surface acoustic wave system best for displaying detailed graphics(both other systems have significant degradation in clarity).


Another area in which the systems differ is in which stimuli will register as a touch event.A resistive system registers a touch as long as the two layers make contacct,which means that it doesn't matter if you touch it with your finger or a rubber ball.A capacitive system,on the other hand,must have a conductive input,usually your finger,in order to register a touch.The surface acoustic wave system works much like the resistive system,allowing a touch with almost any object except hard and small objects like a pen tip.

as far as price,the resistive system is the cheapest;its clarity is the lowest of the three,and its layers can be damaged by sharp objects.The surface acoustic wave setup is usually the most expensive.