Typical commercial programs have hundreds or even thousands of lines of code. In order to reduce the complexity involved in writing such large programs, they have to be broken into smaller, less complex parts. Functions, along with classes, enable the programmer to do this. Functions and classes are the building blocks of a C++ program.
A funcion is a block of statements called by name to carry out a specific task.C++ has a varity of built-in, pre-written, functions in the standard library.
The variables defined inside a function are auto(automatic) by default. Every time a function(including main()) is entered, storage for each auto variable is allocated. When the function is completed, the allocated storage is freed, and any values in the auto variables are lost. Such variables are known as local vaiables and are known only within the function in which they are defined. If you do not specify a storage class, auto is assumed by default.
Static variables, like auto variables, are local to the function in which they are defined. however, unlike auto variables, static variable are allocated storage only once and so retain their values even after the function terminates.
The scope of a variable refers to the part of the program in which a variable can be accessd. There are two typew of scope: block scope and global scope.
A block is one or more statements enclosed in braces { and } that also includes variable declarations. A variable declared in a block is accessible only within that block.
Because global variables are known, and therefore can be modified, within every function, they can make a program difficult to debug and maintain. Global variables are not a substitute for function arguments. Strictly speaking, apart from its own local variables, a function should have have access only to the data specified in the function parameter list.
An object is a component of a program that knows how to perform certain actions and knows how to interact with other parts of the program. An object consists of one or more data values, which define the state or properties of the object, and functions that can be applied to the object. The functions associated with an object represent what can be done to the object and how the object behaves. An object can be anything such as a person, a computer or even an intangible such as a bank account.
That is, a class defines both the type of data and the operations that can be applied to that data. Including both the data and functions into one unit, the class, is called encapsulation.
The members of the class are divided into private and public members. The keywords private and public specify the access control level for data and function members of the class. Data members declared with private access control are accessible only to members functions of the class and unavailable to any functions that are not members of the class. This is called information hiding and prevents the data from being changed except from within the class.
Members declared with public access are accessible in any part of a program. The public member functions are known as the public interface of the class.
C++ has a set of built-in data types such as char, int and float. Each one of these data types has a unique range of allowable values and a set of allowable operations and functions. For example, the float data type has a range of positive and negative values which are different from the range of numbers that can be held with an int data type. An allowable operation on both the int and float data types is the square root function sqrt(). A string function such as length() is not applicable to either float or int and is consequently not allowed.
The details of how negative numbers are stored or how many bits of storage are used to store a value are not necessary in order to use a float or an int type variable. All that is required to know is what functions and operations can be used with a particular data type, and what is the range of allowable values for that data type. In other words, the implementation details of the data types are hidden from the programmer. This is called data abstraction.