标准和新特性 解释
11.​1 Automatic Type Deduction auto
11.​2 Range-based Loops for(auto el:range)
11.​3 Initializer Lists {}
11.​4 Move Semantics move
11.​5 Lambda Expressions [](){}
11.​6 The constexpr Specifier constexpr
11.​7 Scoped Enumerators enum class
11.​8 Smart Pointers unique_ptr
11.​9 std:​:​unordered_​set unordered_​set
11.​10 std:​:​unordered_​map ​unordered_​map
11.​11 std:​:​tuple ​pair->tuple
11.​12 static_​assert constexpr
11.​13 Introduction to Concurrency thread(func)
11.​14 Deleted and Defaulted Functions default
11.​15 Type Aliases
using id = type
14.​1 Binary Literals 0b1010
14.​2 Digits Separators 123'456
14.​3 Auto for Functions auto func();
14.​4 Generic Lambdas auto lambdas
14.​5 std:​:​make_​unique make_unique()
17.​1 Nested Namespaces n::m::p declaration
17.​2 Constexpr Lambdas Constexpr Lambdas
17.​3 Structured Bindings auto[] = arr
17.​4 std:​:​filesystem filesystem
17.​5 std:​:​string_​view non-owning view
17.​6 std:​:​any any c = 123;
17.​7 std:​:​variant union
20.​1 Modules export and import
20.​2 Concepts template type requires
20.​3 Lambda Templates []<>(){}
20.​4 [likely] and [unlikely] Attributes if (choice) [[likely]]
20.​5 Ranges ranges::sort(vec);
20.​6 Coroutines co_await
20.​7 std:​:​span span<int> is = vec;
20.​8 Mathematical Constants numbers::log2e
Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners