The Apple I

I was never the kind of person who had the courage to raise his hand during the Homebrew main meeting and say, "Hey, look at this great computer advance I've made." No, I could never have said that in front of a whole garageful of people.But after the main meeting every other Wednesday, I would set up my stuff on a table and answer questions people asked. Anyone who wanted to was welcome to do this.


I showed the computer that later became known as the Apple I at every meeting after I got it working. I never planned out what I would say beforehand. I just started the demo and let people ask the questions I knew they would, the questions I wanted to answer. I was so proud of my design - and I so believed in the club's mission to further computing - that I Xeroxed maybe a hundred copies of my complete design (including the monitor program) and gave it to anyone who wanted it. I hoped they'd be able to build their own computers from my design.


I wanted people to see this great design of mine in person. Here was a computer with thirty chips on it. That was shocking to people, having so few chips. It was like the same amount of chips on an Altair, except the Altair couldn't do anything unless you bought a lot of other expensive equipment for it. My com puter was inexpensive from the get-go. And the fact that you could use your home TV with it, instead of paying thousands for an expensive teletype, put it in a world of its own.


And I wasn't going to be satisfied just typing Is and Os into it. My goal since high school was to have my own computer that I could program on, although I always assumed the language on the computer would be FORTRAN.


The computer I built didn't have a language yet. Back then, in 1975, a young guy named Bill Gates was starting to get a little bit of fame in our circles for writing a BASIC interpreter for the Altair. Our club had a copy of it on paper tape which could be read in with a teletype, taking about thirty minutes to complete. Also, at around the same time a book called 101 Basic Computer Games came out. I could sniff the air.

我的计算机仍然没有自己的语言。那是1975年,一个叫比尔·盖茨的小伙子在我们圈内小有名气,他用BASIC语言为“牛郎星”电脑写解释程序。我们俱乐部有份记录在纸带上的程序,可用电传打字机的方式输入,需要30分钟。与此同时,一本叫《101种BASIC电脑游戏》(101 Basic Computer Games)的书出版了,它让我嗅到了计算机编程的发展方向。

That's why I decided BASIC would be the right language to write for the Apple I and its 6502 microprocessor. And I found out none existed for the 6502. That meant that if I wrote a BASIC program for it, mine could be the first. And I might even get famous for it. People would say, Oh, Steve Wozniak, he did the BASIC for the 6502.


Anyway, people who saw my computer could take one look at it and see the future. And it was a one-way door. Once you went through it, you could never go back.


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The first time I showed my design, it was with static RAM (SRAM) - the kind of memory that was in my Cream Soda Computer. But the electronics magazines I was reading were talking about a new memory chip, called "dynamic RAM" (DRAM), which would have 4K bits per chip.


The magazines were heralding this as the first time silicon chip memory would be less expensive than magnetic core memory. Up to this point, all the major computers, like the systems from IBM and Data General, still used core memory.


I realized that 4K bytes of DRAM -what I needed as a minimum -would only take eight chips, instead of the thirty-two SRAM chips I had to borrow from Myron. My goal since high school had always been to use as few chips as possible, so this was the way to go.


The biggest difference between SRAM and DRAM is that DRAM has to be refreshed continually or it loses its contents. That means the microprocessor has to electrically refresh roughly 128 different addresses of the DRAM every one two- thousandth of a second to keep it from forgetting its data.


I added DRAM by writing data to the screen - I held the microprocessor clock signal steady, holding transitions off, during a period called the "horizontal refresh." You know how a TV scans one line at a time on your TV, from top to bottom It takes about 65 microseconds (millionths of a second) to scan each line on a U.S. TV. Well, it turns out that about 40 of these microseconds are visible and the other 25 microseconds are not. During this 25-microsecorid time, the so- called refresh period, I inserted 16 unique addresses to the DRAM. (I got these addresses for free, using the counters of the terminal, which were generating video signals.)


I had selection chips that selected the address to come from the horizontal and vertical counter chips of the terminal during this period. Amazingly, it only took two of these selection chips and maybe another chip or two worth of logic to do the whole thing. So I actually stole some cycles away from the microprocessor to refresh the DRAM.


I would'Ve had no idea how to get a DRAM chip, but luckily, right around this time someone at the club who worked at AMI offered some 4K-bit DRAM chips for sale at a reasonable price. This was before they were even on the market. I see now that someone must've ripped them off from AMI, but I didn't ask any questions. I bought eight of them from the AMI guy for about $5 each and modified my design. I added some wires to the memory connector on the Apple I board so it could accommodate either an SRAM or DRAM board. I plugged the new DRAM board in, and it worked the very first time.


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I had been showing off this exciting design of mine to Steve Jobs. He'd gone with me to Homebrew a few times, helping me carry in my TV. He kept asking me if I could build a computer that could be used for time-sharing - like the minicomputer a local company called Call Computer used.


The year before, Steve and I had sold my ARPANET terminal to Call Computer in Mountain View, giving them the rights to build and sell it. Sure, I said. "Someday." It could be done, I thought, but it was ages off. Then he asked if 1 could add a disk for storage someday. I said, again, "Sure. Someday." This all seemed a long way off.


Then, a few days after I got the AMI DRAMs working, Steve called me at work. He asked me if I'd considered using the Intel DRAMs instead of AMI's.


Oh, Intel's are the best, but I could never afford them, I told him.


Steve said to give him a minute.


He made some calls and by some marketing miracle he was able to score some free DRAMs from Intel -unbelievable considering their price and rarity at the time. Steve is just that sort of person. I mean, he knew how to talk to a sales representative. I could never have done that; I was way too shy.


But he got me Intel DRAM chips. Once I had them, I redesigned around them. And I was so proud because my computer looked smaller yet. I had to add a couple more chips to my computer to make it work with the Intel DRAMs. But the Intel chips were physically so much smaller than the AMI chips.


I have to stop here and explain what the big deal about having a smaller-sized chip is. Remember when I said my goal since high school had always been to have the fewest chips Well, that isn't the whole story. One time in high school, I was trying to get chips for a computer I'd designed. My dad drove me down to meet an engineer he knew at Fairchild Semiconductor, the company that invented the semiconductor. I told him I'd designed an existing minicomputer two ways. I found out that if I used chips by Signetics (a Fairchild competitor), the computer had fewer chips than if I used Fairchild chips.


The engineer asked me which Signetics chips I'd used. I told him the make and model number. He pointed out that the Signetics chips I'd used in the design were much larger in physical size, with many more pins and many more wires to connect, than the equivalent Fairchild chips. That added complexity.


I was stunned. Because he made me realize in an instant that the simpler computer design would really have fewer connections, not simply fewer chips. So my goal changed, from designing for fewer chips to trying to have the smallest board, in square inches, possible.


Usually fewer chips means fewer connections, but not always. Back to the Intel DRAM design of the Apple I, switching from AMI to Intel DRAM memories meant I could reduce the total size of the board, even though I had to add a couple extra chips to do it.


And looking back, what a great, lucky decision it was to go with Intel's chips. Because that chip design eventually became the standard for all memory chips, even to this day.


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By Thanksgiving of 1975, Steve had been to a few of the Homebrew meetings with me. And then he told me he'd noticed something: the people at Homebrew, he said, are taking the schematics, but they don't have the time or ability to build the computer that's spelled out in the schematics.


He said, "Why don't we build and then sell the printed circuit boards to them" That way, he said, people could solder all their chips to a printed circuit (PC) board and have a computer in days instead of weeks. Most of the hard work would already be done. His idea was for us to make these preprinted circuit boards for $20 and sell them for $40. People would think it was a great deal because they were getting chips almost free from their companies anyway.


Frankly, I couldn't see how we would earn our money back. I figured we'd have to invest about $1,000 to get a computer company to print the boards. To get that money back, we'd have to sell the board for $40 to fifty people. And I didn't think there were fifty people at Homebrew who'd buy the board. After all, there were only about five hundred members at this point, and most of them were Altair enthusiasts.


But Steve had a good argument. We were in his car and he said - and I can remember him saying this like it was yesterday: "Well, even if we lose our money, we'll have a company. For once in our lives, we'll have a company."


For once in our lives, we'd have a company. That convinced me. And I was excited to think about us like that. To be two best friends starting a company. Wow. I knew right then that I'd do it. How could I not
