The Red and Black
1 A Small Town 26 The World, or What the Rich Lack 51 The Secret Note
2 A Mayor 27 First Experience of Life 52 The Discussion
3 The Bread of the Poor 28 A Procession 53 TheClergy,their Forests,Liberty
4 Father and Son 29 The First Step 54 Strasbourg
5 Driving a Bargain 30 Ambition 55 The Office of Virtue
6 Dullness 31 Country Pleasures 56 Moral Love
7 Elective Affinities 32 First Appearance in Society 57 The Best Positions in the Church
8 Minor Events 33 First Steps 58 Manon Lescaut
9 An Evening in the Country 34 The Hotel de La Mole 59 Boredom
10 A Large Heartanda Small Fortune 35 Sensibility and a Pious Lady 60 A Box at the Bouffes
11 Night Thoughts 36 Pronunciation 61 Making Her Afraid
12 A Journey 37 An Attack of Gout 62 The Tiger
13 Open-work Stockings 38 What Is the Decoration that Confers Distinction? 63 The Torment of the Weak
14 The English Scissors 39 The Ball 64 A Man of Spirit
15 Cock-crow 40 Queen Marguerite 65 A Storm
16 The Day After 41 The Tyranny of a Girl 66 Painful Details
17 The Principal Deputy 42 Another Danton 67 A Dungeon
18 A King at Verrieres 43 A Plot 68 A Man of Power
19 To Think Is To Be Full of Sorrow 44 A Girl's Thoughts 69 Intrigue
20 The Anonymous Letters 45 Is it a Plot? 70 Tranquillity
21 Conversation with a Lord and Master 46 One o'Clock in the Morning 71 The Trial
22 Manners and Customs in 1830 47 An Old Sword 72 In the Prison
23 The Sorrows of an Official 48 Painful Moments 73 Last Adieux
24 A Capital 49 The Opera-Bouffe 74 The Shadow of the Guillotine
25 The Seminary 50 The Japanese Vase 75 Exit Julien



